This page includes Leonardo’s self-portrait, and several unfinished paintings.
First Florentine Period
The Annunciation, 1465 – 1475
Ginevra de’ Benci and Its Reverse (Located in Washington, D.C.), 1474 – 1478
Madonna of the Carnation, 1478 – 1481
Benois Madonna, 1478 – 1481
Adoration of the Magi, 1480 – 1482
St. Jerome in the Wilderness, 1480 – 1482
First Milanese Period
Virgin of the Rocks, 1484 & 1504
Portrait of a Musician, 1490
La Belle Ferroniere, 1490
Lady with an Ermine, 1490 – 1491
La Bella Principessa, 1495 – 1496
Litta Madonna, 1490’s
Salvator Mundi, 1490’s
Leonardo’s Last Supper (above) and Copy by Giampietrino (below), 1495 – 1498
Next Florentine Period
Madonna of the Yarnwinder, Both 1501
Mona Lisa, 1503
Travel Years
St. John the Baptist, 1509
Virgin and Child with St. Anne, 1510
Self Portrait, 1510 -1512